NERC | Northeast Recycling Councl - New Jersey
New Jersey
Contact: Ross Hull, 609-984-3438

Conditionally Exempt from Permitting:

1. Backyard composting
2. Leaf mulching activities on land deemed actively devoted to agricultural or horticultural use, subject to certain operating conditions;
3. Composting facilities which meet certain criteria, including:
1. Facility receives only yard trimmings (grass clippings, leaves and brush), on a maximum of three acres, and receives no more than 10,000 cubic yards per year;
2. If grass clippings are received, no more than 10 percent by volume of all yard trimmings received per year;
3. Windrows shall terminate no closer than 50 feet from the facility property line and 150 feet from any area of human use or occupancy; or if the facility receives grass, the composting windrows shall terminate a minimum of 500 feet from any area of human use or occupancy.;
4. Facility has been included in district Solid Waste Management Plan of county in which facility is to be operated.

Yard trimmings composting facilities that do not meet permitting exemption criteria:
Level of technology Buffer with leaves only (ft.) Use for grass Buffer with grass (ft.)
Minimal 25001 No N/A
Low 50/5002 No N/A
Intermediate 50/150/2503 Yes 10004
High 505 Yes 505


1. From operations to sensitive land uses.
2. From operations to property line/to sensitive land uses.
3. From operating to property line/to sensitive land uses/to inhabited structure.
4. From grass clipping staging and handling areas to sensitive land uses.
5. Building setback for enclosed operations.

Composting facilities receiving organic materials including but not limited to source separated food waste and source separated vegetative food waste:

1. Floor of the composting structure must be impermeable (10-5 cm/sec or greater). Leachate control must be provided wherever leachate is generated;
2. Operations must be fully enclosed except in those cases where vegetative food material is the only food material received;
3. If not fully enclosed, facility must meet the buffer requirements for recycling centers handling grass clippings.

139 Main Street, Suite 401
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Phone: 802-254-3636
Fax: 802-254-5870
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